12 Effective Ways To Save Water In The Bathroom


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As summer approaches and the weather heats up, we all want to stay cool and refreshed. Not to mention with record droughts happening across parts of the world, it’s more important now than ever before to make sure that we are doing our part by conserving water in any way possible. And what better room in which to start than the one most associated with water usage: your bathroom! Although it may seem intimidating at first glance, saving water in your bathroom can be surprisingly easy when you know a few tricks for cutting back on wasteful habits. In this blog post, we’ll explore some simple but effective ways that you can drastically reduce water consumption in your bathroom today!

Save water while brushing your teeth

Turning off the water while brushing your teeth is one of the most effective ways to conserve water in the bathroom. By doing so, you can avoid wasting up to three gallons of water every time you brush your teeth. This can be especially significant for households with high water bills. It is a simple action with big environmental benefits, making it an important habit for all households looking to conserve resources.

Don’t let the water run while shaving

When shaving in the bathroom, running water is often used to rinse off the razor and keep it free of residual hairs and clogged shaving cream. While this may seem like a minor thing, leaving the water on while shaving can actually waste a significant amount of water. This is because the average faucet will run about 2 gallons per minute when left on for an extended period of time, meaning that if you leave the faucet running for even just a few minutes while you shave, you can waste up to 10 or more gallons of water in one shave session. To conserve water and help minimize your environmental footprint, make sure to turn off the tap while you are shaving, and only turn it back on when needed to rinse off your razor.

Take shorter showers

Reducing shower time can save water in the bathroom because shorter showers generally use less water than longer ones. On average, an 8 minute shower uses up to 17 gallons of water. This is significantly more than a 4 minute shower which only uses around 10 gallons of water. As such, reducing shower time by even a few minutes can help to make a dramatic difference in terms of how much water is used. Additionally, taking shorter showers also reduces the amount of energy needed to heat the water, resulting in even more savings on utility bills.

Invest in a water-saving showerhead

A water-saving showerhead is an excellent solution to reducing water consumption while taking a shower. By combining aerodynamics and air injection technology, these showerheads can break up the flow of water into many smaller droplets, creating a larger surface area over which the water can disperse. This process creates a feeling of equal pressure, with the same amount of force for every drop of water used. This means that you get the same shower experience without using as much water as you would with a normal shower head.

Install a low-flush toilet

A low-flush toilet can save water in your bathroom by using less water per flush compared to a standard toilet. Low-flush toilets are often designed to have a larger trapway which helps them to evacuate waste more efficiently and with fewer flushes than standard models. Additionally, some low-flush toilets are equipped with dual-flush systems which allow users to choose between a light flush for liquid waste and a heavy flush for solid waste, further reducing water consumption when necessary. By using technologies such as these, low-flush toilets can help reduce water usage in bathrooms positively.

Upgrade with a thermostatic tap

A thermostatic shower valve will save water when you take a shower by maintaining a constant temperature throughout the shower. This means that users don’t have to keep adjusting the temperature as they go, reducing the amount of hot water used in total. Besides, most thermostatic valves have built-in flow control settings meaning that users can pre-set their maximum desired flow rate, ensuring that no more than is necessary is used at any one time. All of these features combine to make a thermostatic shower valve both cost-effective and energy efficient, which in turn leads to significant water savings over time.

On top of that, by keeping the same temperature from start to finish, a thermostatic shower valve also reduces the risk of scalding or burning. Read our blog post The Complete Guide to Thermostatic Taps to know more about their features.

Don’t use the toilet as a wastebasket

When waste is flushed down the toilet, it can often lead to clogged pipes, which in turn requires a great deal of extra water on the part of municipalities and homeowners to help clear out. This additional water usage leads to an increase in both energy costs and overall water wastage. By refraining from using the toilet as a wastebasket, not only can we reduce our own water usage but also help cut down on overall municipal water costs.

Check for leaks and repair them promptly

Leaking plumbing fixtures can waste vast amounts of water if left unchecked. In fact, if a toilet is leaking at the rate of one drop per second, this equates to more than 260 gallons of water being wasted over just one week – enough for one person to last two months! Not only does this increase water bills but it also wastes precious resources.

Leaks not only deplete our existing fresh water sources but also put a strain on the infrastructure that supplies our water. Repairing these leaks promptly reduces wear and tear on pipes and pumps which leads to less maintenance costs and fewer disruptions to service caused by pipe breaks or system failures. 

Collect rainwater to water your plants

Collecting rainwater is an effective way to reduce our water usage as it provides a sustainable source of water that would otherwise be wasted. Rainwater is naturally soft and contains no contaminants, making it ideal for providing plants with the essential nutrients they need.

Furthermore, when stored properly, it could provide a continuous stream of clean water without having to continuously use energy to pump or treat it. This increases the efficiency of watering since there is no need to worry about running out or having to purchase extra supplies from the store.

Educate your family about water conservation

Educating family members on how they can conserve water helps create an understanding of effective measures that can be taken at home and beyond. Education helps spread awareness about why conserving water is important and motivates others to take action. It’s a powerful way to drive change within one’s own family unit as well as in larger communities. By educating one’s family about the importance of conserving water today we can make sure that there will still be clean drinking water available tomorrow.

Advocate for better water management policies in your community

By advocating for better water management policies, we can help secure that our communities have access to clean and safe drinking water now and in the future. From advocating for better water usage regulations and efficient irrigation systems to investing in sustainable infrastructure and water treatment plants, we can all do our part to ensure that the water resources in our community remain continuous and accessible for years to come. By raising awareness and speaking out, we can help create a better future for everyone.

Support businesses that are environmentally responsible with their water usage

Supporting businesses that are mindful of their water usage shows that we value sustainability and respect the environment. Looking for businesses and organizations that have adopted measures such as water-efficient fixtures, rainwater harvesting systems and other strategies to reduce their overall water consumption is a great way to reward businesses that are doing their part to conserve water. This encourages other businesses to take the same measures and serves as a reminder that everyone can do his part when it comes to conserving water and safeguarding the environment.


Water conservation is an important part of learning how to be more mindful of our environment, and the bathroom is a great place to start. By following these 12 steps you can make positive changes that will reduce your water and energy usage and help create a healthier living space. As we become increasingly aware of our impact on the planet, it makes sense to do whatever we can to conserve our most precious resource—water! Every drop counts, so let us lend our collective effort to protecting this vital component for a sustainable future. Let’s use what we now know about water saving techniques in order to protect our planet for generations to come!

Hi, I’m the author of this post, and I have been in this field for more than 10 years. If you want to wholesale thermostatic taps, feel free to ask me any questions.

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